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General Knowledge Machine Research Group |
Knowledge Forefront. Adaptive Learning Applications. |
Open source project | GKM author's guide | News | Download | Alternative Link | Projects, services| Aim: We humans are bound by intellectual abilities. All knowledge is far beyond power of any person. The only way to apply knowledge is to build machines able to present it human way but not limited by volume. The Intellect Modeling Kit development provides creation of compatible with human activities knowledge machines amplifying human intellect. The goal is to assist humans in scientific research, consulting and investigations. Intellect Modeling Kit is an open-source project located at Sourceforge repositary. Additional information may be found in the papers ( "Intellectual activity, knowledge, information, data... An attempt to define it in an applicable way" )(download) (revised 11-Dec-1999, 1-Sep-2008, 15-Oct-2010, October 2017), ("Introducing a new kind of publishing: The Electronic Knowledge Publishing" )(download)(revised 11-Dec-1999, 1-Sep-2008), ("Is there any future for Artificial Intelligence?") (revised 15-Jan-2001, 1-Sep-2008, 8-Dec-2010, published by ISPIM News in 2001, Italy), ("Adaptive learning for knowledge-based organization") (revised 15-Dec-2001, 1-Sep-2008, 22-Nov-2010, presented for SSGRR'2002, Italy), ( "The Hypothesis of Descending Mind") Intellect evolution hypothesis, ( "The Philosophical Study of Intellect, Life and Humanity Evolution") Intellect, Life and Humanity evolution hypothesis, ( "Adaptive learning with e-knowledge systems"), published by Inderscience Enterprises Limited, UK, in IJTM, Vol. 25, Nos.6/7, 2003, ( "Overview of AI path in USSR and Ukraine. Up-to-date Just-In-Time Knowledge Concept. K.M. Golubev ") (Local), in the Proceedings of AI for Knowledge Management ECAI 2012/IFIP TC12 Workshop of the biennial European Conference on Artificial Intelligence in 2012, ( "Overview of AI Research History in USSR and Ukraine: Up-to-Date Just-In-Time Knowledge Concept by Konstantin M. Golubev in Artificial Intelligence for Knowledge Management. Editors: Eunika Mercier-Laurent, Danielle Boulanger. ISBN: 978-3-642-54896-3 (Print) 978-3-642-54897-0 (Online). "), published by Springer Berlin Heidelberg. Copyright IFIP International Federation for Information Processing, 2014, “Intellect Modeling Kit") by Konstantin M. Golubev in Artificial Intelligence for Knowledge Management, 2020, Editors: Eunika Mercier-Laurent published by Springer Berlin Heidelberg. Copyright IFIP International Federation for Information Processing, 2020, “The electronic knowledge publishing based on intellect modeling") by Konstantin M. Golubev, published by Academic Publishing 2024-06-19 and ("Presentation of Intellect Modeling Kit in pdf file") (revised October 2017). Last updated December 2024. |
Areas of possible applications:
Are you going to implement intellect-based systems?Konstantin M. Golubev, GKM Research Group coordinator (resume
in PDF format) |
Instrumental music - best for headphones - composed and performed by Konstantin M. Golubev |
Statistics on October 1997 - December 2024Total number of visits 228,469 "Intellectual activity, knowledge,
information, data... An attempt to define it in an applicable way"
(revised 9-Dec-1999, 1-Sep-2008, 15-Oct-2010, Oct-2017) |
History: General Knowledge Machine Research Group was founded in 1986 at Institute of Cybernetics, Kyiv, Ukraine, as informal institution by mathematicians and IT experts. Now it counts (11 members). |
Results: The set of tools called General Knowledge Machine (GKM) was developed providing Intellect Modeling technology assisting intellectual activity and supporting effective knowledge presentation, precise knowledge search, adaptive learning and immediate consulting. GKM-IMK could be used for a creation of very effective intellect-based applications called e-knowledge systems. Early versions of GKM were developed for UNIX, MS-DOS, Windows operating systems. The latest version supports all platforms of GNU compiler options (any Windows, Linux, Unix ... ). |
Expert Systems. |
IMK Systems. |
AI - Intended to replace human experts. |
IMK - Intended to assist human intellect. |
AI - Based primarily on mathematics. |
IMK - Based on neurophysiology, psychology, knowledge management theory and mathematics. |
AI - It is practically impossible to transform directly external knowledge sources to expert systems. |
IMK - It is further advancement of a traditional publishing - external knowledge sources (books, articles etc) may be transformed into e-knowledge systems easily. |
AI - Based on the decision rules concept. |
IMK - Based on the general knowledge concept using approach developed by Academician of USSR M.N.Livanov. |
AI - The more complex an expert system is - the worse it works. |
IMK - The more complex e-knowledge system is - the better it works. |
AI - Development has many stages and very expensive. |
IMK - Development has one stage and relatively inexpensive. |
AI - It is relatively hard work to incoroprate an expert system into other information systems due to sequential nature of data input and output. |
IMK - E-knowledge system may be easily incorporated into any kind of information system due to support of wide range of data input and output sources. |
AI - It is practically impossible to use expert systems for learning, because they are not based on human knowledge. |
IMK - It may be easily used for Adaptive Learning applications, based on the Just-In-Time Knowledge concept. |
AI - May not be used for a new knowledge creation. |
IMK - May be used for a new knowledge creation. |
AI + IMK - Good news for all AI developers: knowledge bases on the productions concept, may be used for electronic knowledge systems development. |
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"Festive occasion" painting by Viktor Tkachenko |