Knowledge is power, but kindness is greater

General Knowledge Machine Research Group
staff and sponsors

  1. Anatoly N. Kostyuchenko, M.D.
    Director of KNPO "Mayak" Medical Centre, Kiev, Ukraine

    We have moved to Medical Centre in 1986 to start GKM tools development. A.N.Kostyuchenko kindly supported us as our first expert-developer and half of his M.D. dissertation was devoted to the description of e-knowledge system on X-ray diagnosis. The first paper we have written together: " E.T.Mikhailenko, V.I.Milko, A.N.Kostyuchenko, K.M.Golubev, V.A.Sokolova. Computers in the X-Ray Diagnosis. Midwifery and gynaecology, 1989, No.10, Moscow, Russia"
  2. Irina N. Karaban', M.D.
    Head of Neurological Department, Institute of Gerontology, Kiev, Ukraine

    She is our best friend and excellent expert-developer from 1988. We have worked together on her M.D. dissertation using e-knowledge system. These are our papers: "N.B.Mankovsky, I.N.Karaban,G.N.Kryzhanovsky, V.A.Evseev, S.V.Magaeva, I.A.Vetrile, N.A.Trekova, L.A.Basharova, K.M.Golubev. Dopamine antibodies in Parkinsonian patients and their possible role in the Parkinson's syndrome pathogenesis. Neurology and Psychiatry Magazine named after S.S.Korsakov, v.93., 1993, No. 6, Moscow, Russia" and "G.N.Kryzhanovsky, N.B.Mankovsky, I.N.Karaban, S.V.Magaeva, N.A.Trekova, I.A.Vetrile, L.A.Basharova, M.A.Atadzhanov, K.M.Golubev. Serotonin antibodies and their possible role in Parkinsonism. Neurology and Psychiatry Magazine named after S.S.Korsakov, v.94., 1994, No. 5, Moscow, Russia".
  3. Yuri I. Plachinda, M.D., Professor
    Radiation Medicine Centre, Kiev, Ukraine

    He is our consulting expert from 1988. We have realized several projects for Radiation Medicine Centre together with him
  4. Eugeny M. Patrushev
    President of commercial bank "Energobank", Kiev, Ukraine

    From 1995 to 1997 we have unique chance to develop really advanced e-knowledge system on banking management. The sources were daily digest "Exchanges and banks today" covering 200 magazines and newspapers from all the former USSR states and local Ukrainian business digests. E.M.Patrushev was our sponsor, consulting expert and first user. We have learnt very much developing the system. For two years we have been watching transformation of initial huge amount of data into e-knowledge: approximately 1,000 MB of initial texts were transformed into 55 MB text by digest agencies, and into 2,3 MB text by our group. We have found 635 ideas about banking management and E.M.Patrushev used them, assisted with the e-knowledge system, as a president of "Energobank".
  5. Andrew F. Savchuk
    Vice-President of commercial bank "Energobank", Kiev, Ukraine

    Very kind sponsor, consulting expert and user of the e-knowledge system "Banking management".
  6. Valentina A. Rakhubovskaya
    Medical Expert, Governmental Medical Centre, Kiev, Ukraine
    She participates as expert-developer in the development of e-knowledge system "Emergency medicine"
  7. Alla B. Berezovskaya
    Senior Programmer, commercial bank "Energobank", Kiev, Ukraine

    She is our software developer.
  8. Roza G. Imamutdinova
    Head Programmer, Institute of Cybernetics, Kiev, Ukraine
    She is our best software developer.
  9. Alexander A. Lisinchuk
    Music expert, very good composer

    He is our consulting expert and composer.
    Enjoy his music (Instrumental)
  10. Viktor P. Tkachenko
    Painting expert, good painter

    He is our consulting expert-developer and painter.
    Enjoy his painting (Festive occasion)
  11. Konstantin M. Golubev
    Head IT expert, Space Research Institute, Kiev, Ukraine

    A founder and coordinator.
  12. Tatiana A. Goloubeva (RESUME)
    Computer Publishing Expert, National Bank of Ukraine

    She is e-knowledge developer and Public Relations Manager

The sponsors

  1. Debra M. Amidon.
    Founder and Chief Strategist of ENTOVATION Knowledge Network ( uniting 6,000 knowledge specialists, USA

    She has included our group into the network and has mentioned name of K.M.Golubev on Global Knowledge Leadership Map on the site. Due to her support we have contacted many remarkable people, first of them is Debra. We appreciate this very much.
  2. Ferdinando Chiaromonte
    Professor, President of International Society for Professional Innovation Management (ISPIM), Rome, Italy

    He has invited us to join ISPIM and just lack of funds prevented us to do it. Prof. Chiaromonte has recommended to submit a paper to ISPIM'99 conference in Tokyo. Paper "K.M.Golubev. Traditional + Adaptive Learning = broad way to Knowledge. Distance learning advancement project" was submitted and accepted, but absence of funds did not allow to travel. We highly appreciate his support. Due to his efforts we have many bright relations.